Saturday, June 27, 2009

L.A. Lesson: Where are you from?

The most lamented and dreaded question that any Angeleno hates to hear, “Where are you from?” This is a question that has no definitive answer. It is an apparent “Catch-22″: Damned if you don’t answer and damned if you do. Too many Los Angeles area residents have lost their lives or have been seriously injured because they have failed to respond or responded with the wrong answer. This is why you have to be aware of your surroundings and be well versed as to what a proper response to this question can be. If you get “hit up” by a gang member it is only because he thinks you look like one or are one. This is why, as described in Lesson One, you should not be a poser. You will only be jeopardizing yourself. Why would any fool try to look hard and be a “Buster” when everybody knows that idiot could not hang with anyone, let alone gang-bangers. Once you get “hit up,” you better react quickly and tell them that you are from a city in another state.

This answer will have them scratching their heads because gang members are stupid and do not know their geography. Their rationale is that if they never heard of that area, they will most likely leave you alone because they have no beef with that area. If you do not give them an answer, they will view that as disrespectful and they will attempt to injure you. You have to remember gang members only have their point of view and do not give a shit what you think. So think about that when traveling through Los Angeles.
Until the next Lesson, “Stay Down.”
Written and Reported by: OG DUDE

L.A. Lesson: Gang Banging Dress Code

In the mean streets of Los Angeles you can always spot a gang member by the way he dresses or by the hairstyle he occupies. An O.G. (original gangster) always has the top button of his shirt buttoned up and tucked in and his pants above his belly button. His shirt preference would be a Pendleton or plaid shirt, well-starched, and his preference for pants would be Dickies, also known as khakis, Stacy Adams or black shoes that are well shined will complete the attire. The O.G.’s hairdo will be slicked back or shaven. The original gangster would always be on his P’s and Q’s when he was out strolling. Unlike today’s gang member, the original gangsters would take pride in the way they looked. The gang member of today is sloppy with his pants sagging, wearing a filthy shirt full of wrinkles. Today’s gang members prefer stupid tennis shoes and are unkempt and uncaring of what they look like. You better not look at them too hard because they will get upset and spray you with their weapons. Today’s gang member does not fight, they just do the cowardly act of using a gun. The real O.G.’s would fight you and every once in a while use a knife. They might maim you, but for the most part you will live the next day to discuss with your friends on what happened. The current state of gang members will try to expire you and even if your not their intended target they will not care one iota about the harm they cause you. Due to the way they are dressed, the gang members do not stray too far from their so-called territorial claim. If they somehow manage to leave their safety zone, they will encounter other gang members that will not be friendly with them. The other jurisdictions will not be as kind to them and they will meet resistance from business establishments and law enforcement agencies because of their appearance. As you can see their sloppy facade induces a negative reaction to all others but not to themselves. This is why they do what they do. They bring it on themselves.
Until the next lesson, “Stay Down.”
Author: OG DUDE

Another L.A. Lesson: Gang Encounters

If you live in GangTown, U.S.A (Los Angeles) the probability of having an encounter with one of this lovely cities illustrious gang members is at 99%. As stated in the last article (lesson), you can minimize the damage if you are wearing gang neutral colors. Most tourist guides will not inform the citizenry of where and what to avoid at any given time. But if you ask one of the locals they can tell you with a pretty good suggestion of what you can avoid at any given time. Whether you know this or not most gang members are non-confrontational when they are by themselves. But catch them in a pack and they feel invincible. As with any criminal do not display any weaknesses. Gang-bangers will only harass you if you seem timid. Stand up to them and they will cower like puppy dogs. Whether you like it or not gang members are a necessary pariah. They have been in L.A. for over a hundred years and have been keeping the government a float in Tax Revenue Related Services. The law enforcement agencies, social service agencies, recreational and race relations agencies always seem to be justified with the existence of the criminal element. Our government keeps supporting their criminal enterprises by providing the gangs with welfare payments, food stamps, and even provide shelter in the form of subsidized housing (Projects). But remember do not fear them because they would rather battle with each other. As the sign posted in the zoo says, “Please do not feed the animals or they might bite.” Gang members are no different. You can co-exist with them, just don’t fraternize with them. Always remember that these rodents are trying to be inconspicous and retain their underground status. My advice is to ignore their presence and continue your affairs. They will only attempt to encounter you if you look for them. Another Lesson will be forthcoming soon.Until next time, “Stay Down.”Article written by Los Angeles Local: OG DUDE

An L.A. Lesson: To Bang or Not

Do you ever wonder if there are places in the City of Angeles that are gang free? Hell, everybody thinks that with the exception of Beverly Hills and West Hollywood, Los Angeles is gang infested and if you’re not up on your game you could have an encounter with a gang-banger. As the local police will tell you even those two aforementioned cities have thugs employed in the vicinity: They work as dishwashers, security guards and even as office workers.What you folks need to do is keep up with the locals and find out what the flavor of the day is going to be. You need to be aware of what color and what style you need to wear for that area and that time of day. You do not want to be caught wearing red clothing in the vicinity of where the “Crips” congregate or for that matter where the “Surenos” hangout. This mistake can be fatal. As you know, Gangbangers do not need an excuse to commit crimes. They feel if they claim an area they can do as they please. You getting caught wearing the wrong color then becomes your fault. The gangbangers will say you triggered their reaction. But then again that is what makes this city so exciting. The best colors to wear are the gang neutral colors of Brown, Black and White. You are pretty much safe if you keep it to those “primary” colors.Another mistake that can get you in deep shit with the locals and righteously so, is when you try to look like a thug and you’re not. Being a “Poser” is definitely out of the picture. First of all, you will not have anybody to back you up and second, you will look like a fool which is not a cool thing to be in “GangTown” U.S.A.Best thing to do is never go solo anywhere that is unfamiliar to you and if you do go, wear neutral colors so you do not make a spectacle of yourself.
Till the next lesson, “Stay Down.”Article Written by Los Angeles Local: OG Dude

Thursday, June 18, 2009


When you hear Wall Street most folks think of it as a financial institution. I hate to disappoint you, but the Wall Street I am referring to is the one here in Los Angeles not that prissy little spot in New York. If you’ve ever seen “Night of the Living Dead,” that’s what you’ll see at this Wall Street located in downtown Los Angeles. The exact spot is actually located in the “Little Tokyo” section and is a real Hell hole.

Try driving there at about 3 in the morning and it will be a sight like you’ve never seen. Please do not walk there at any time. You will see homeless and mentally deranged people by the shitloads walking the streets like so many Zombies without direction.

This one block strip between San Pedro Street and San Julian Street will enlighten you to the “other side.” These homeless simpletons will ask you for a dimebag, money, alcohol, sex, but never food. When and if you happen to drive there, be careful these lost souls even put up tents and cardboard boxes in the middle of the street. You will not believe how they are just milling around the area like a lost herd.

The police will not disperse them because like Zombies they always return. The strategy here is just to keep them contained within that stretch and hope that nice folks like you don’t wonder through and run one of them over.