This past week it has been raining cows and bulls. Unfortunately, for the people in Los Angeles, rain causes havoc. The freeways get flooded, the fire infested areas get mudslides and all those silly people who think it is summer time get their homes and vehicles drenched because they left their windows open. The motorists continue to drive at 85 miles per hour on the rain slicked highways and, before you know it, a traffic nightmare has begun because some idiots forgot that they can slip and slide while driving at excessive speed.

On the other side of the spectrum, you have those folks that melt in the rain. These are the same fools that are telling everyone that the Los Angeles area needs some rain to help with the drought, but when it rains these same fools start to complain about the rain. They say things such as: "Why does it have to rain on the day of my party?!!! WAAAAAAAAH!!" or "Stupid rain, my hair's messed up now!"

As usual, Angelenos want to have it both ways. They want rain, but they do not want to get wet (the rain will probably evaporate before it hits the ground in most cases anyway). What an oxymoron their attitude on rain is! People here in "El Lay" do not like the rain, nor do they like the "cold weather." How preposterous this is! One thing is certain, Angelenos can always bet that as soon as they wash their cars, they can be assured it will rain within two days.

Until the next lesson: Stay Down!