The Christmas season is already here, and with this comes the annual trek of far flying relatives. This is an absolutely necessary tradition that has occurred for centuries. These relatives always arrive via greyhound bus or airplane. They expect you to pick them up at the bus depot or aiport and you have to be on time or they will be very critical of you. You will be expected to wine and dine them. Your home will be at their disposal and you may want to get upset at them when they become unbearable.

Hell, after the first night, they have already worn out their welcome. They never offer to pay for any of the amenities you are providing them with and you can bet they will be expecting you to pay for their admission to Disneyland and other fine establishments. The funny part about all this is that when you visit them, they never treat you this good. They don’t have all the fine establishments there like we have in “El Lay“. There is nothing to do there, so you will leave within a couple of days. Where as when they visit, they want to stay at least a week and make sure that by the time they leave, you are nice and miserable. But hey, isn’t this what the holidays are all about? Spending time with the members of your family that you wouldn’t otherwise see until someone bit the big one.
Untill the next lesson “Stay Down”
Family Fun From: OG DUDE
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