In the mean streets of Los Angeles you can always spot a gang member by the way he dresses or by the hairstyle he occupies. An O.G. (original gangster) always has the top button of his shirt buttoned up and tucked in and his pants above his belly button. His shirt preference would be a Pendleton or plaid shirt, well-starched, and his preference for pants would be Dickies, also known as khakis, Stacy Adams or black shoes that are well shined will complete the attire. The O.G.’s hairdo will be slicked back or shaven. The original gangster would always be on his P’s and Q’s when he was out strolling. Unlike today’s gang member, the original gangsters would take pride in the way they looked. The gang member of today is sloppy with his pants sagging, wearing a filthy shirt full of wrinkles. Today’s gang members prefer stupid tennis shoes and are unkempt and uncaring of what they look like. You better not look at them too hard because they will get upset and spray you with their weapons. Today’s gang member does not fight, they just do the cowardly act of using a gun. The real O.G.’s would fight you and every once in a while use a knife. They might maim you, but for the most part you will live the next day to discuss with your friends on what happened. The current state of gang members will try to expire you and even if your not their intended target they will not care one iota about the harm they cause you. Due to the way they are dressed, the gang members do not stray too far from their so-called territorial claim. If they somehow manage to leave their safety zone, they will encounter other gang members that will not be friendly with them. The other jurisdictions will not be as kind to them and they will meet resistance from business establishments and law enforcement agencies because of their appearance. As you can see their sloppy facade induces a negative reaction to all others but not to themselves. This is why they do what they do. They bring it on themselves.
Until the next lesson, “Stay Down.”
Author: OG DUDE
Stacy Adams. That is what I am talking about.
ReplyDeletekhakis & ballys , 18ct , colonge, & razor = standard
ReplyDeleteOG DELOE 1 818G don't forget the "FEDORA"aka God Father hat.Nike cortez or classic converse..murder ones aka locs...ben davis suit.Dickey suit.OG italian silk suits.OG charlie brown shirts..hairnet for those with slick back hair.OG black 2 side print bandana.all time LA dogers hat.
ReplyDeleteganster red nose or blue nose pitbulls.classic 3 dotts mi vida loca on rist bone.& all this aint nothing if you can't talk an enemega down from smoking you...come on now!...I'm still in the mix!