Do you ever wonder if there are places in the City of Angeles that are gang free? Hell, everybody thinks that with the exception of Beverly Hills and West Hollywood, Los Angeles is gang infested and if you’re not up on your game you could have an encounter with a gang-banger. As the local police will tell you even those two aforementioned cities have thugs employed in the vicinity: They work as dishwashers, security guards and even as office workers.What you folks need to do is keep up with the locals and find out what the flavor of the day is going to be. You need to be aware of what color and what style you need to wear for that area and that time of day. You do not want to be caught wearing red clothing in the vicinity of where the “Crips” congregate or for that matter where the “Surenos” hangout. This mistake can be fatal. As you know, Gangbangers do not need an excuse to commit crimes. They feel if they claim an area they can do as they please. You getting caught wearing the wrong color then becomes your fault. The gangbangers will say you triggered their reaction. But then again that is what makes this city so exciting. The best colors to wear are the gang neutral colors of Brown, Black and White. You are pretty much safe if you keep it to those “primary” colors.Another mistake that can get you in deep shit with the locals and righteously so, is when you try to look like a thug and you’re not. Being a “Poser” is definitely out of the picture. First of all, you will not have anybody to back you up and second, you will look like a fool which is not a cool thing to be in “GangTown” U.S.A.Best thing to do is never go solo anywhere that is unfamiliar to you and if you do go, wear neutral colors so you do not make a spectacle of yourself.
Till the next lesson, “Stay Down.”Article Written by Los Angeles Local: OG Dude
Till the next lesson, “Stay Down.”Article Written by Los Angeles Local: OG Dude
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