* Talk too much!
Want to become a pariah at work? Just spread harmful information about other employees to your bosses, especially those unfounded rumors.

* Deception
You will always get on your boss's bad side by lying about how good you are at work. Your work performance will give you away.

* Sarcasm
Those sarcastic comments might work well at bars, but they will come back to haunt you if they are directed at your employers and coworkers.

* Laziness
Failing to take care of business will always come back to bite you in the ass. Procrastination and laziness may seem like a victimless habit to you, but it speaks to others about your reliability and organizational skills.

* Punctuality
Despite constant reminders about arriving to work on time, it is still amazing how you continue to show up late. At some point, those who count on you to be on time will get fed up with you and cut you loose.
Remember this: the first time you are late for something important, you can kiss your employment goodbye.
Until the next lesson, Stay Down!
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