What is it about people here in "El Lay" that makes them obnoxious and narcissistic. As you already know, the folks in this self-indulged city have been voted as being the rudest people in the USA. This is no surprise if you reside here. Everybody here knows somebody that is preoccupied with their physical appearance. These people will go to extremes to ignore anybody that is not like them. They are so totally into their looks that they will not interact with the regular folks. These nimrods communicate via texting and cell phone. They never look you in the face or shake your hand. With over three million of these types within the city limits.

They look surprised when somebody actually wants to talk to them. When you have an "out of towner" or "tourist" ask them a question or ask for directions, they will either get a shrug or a blank stare. No wonder we hear nothing but trash about the local natives. They have no class.
Until the next lesson, Stay Down.
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