Saturday, June 27, 2009

Another L.A. Lesson: Gang Encounters

If you live in GangTown, U.S.A (Los Angeles) the probability of having an encounter with one of this lovely cities illustrious gang members is at 99%. As stated in the last article (lesson), you can minimize the damage if you are wearing gang neutral colors. Most tourist guides will not inform the citizenry of where and what to avoid at any given time. But if you ask one of the locals they can tell you with a pretty good suggestion of what you can avoid at any given time. Whether you know this or not most gang members are non-confrontational when they are by themselves. But catch them in a pack and they feel invincible. As with any criminal do not display any weaknesses. Gang-bangers will only harass you if you seem timid. Stand up to them and they will cower like puppy dogs. Whether you like it or not gang members are a necessary pariah. They have been in L.A. for over a hundred years and have been keeping the government a float in Tax Revenue Related Services. The law enforcement agencies, social service agencies, recreational and race relations agencies always seem to be justified with the existence of the criminal element. Our government keeps supporting their criminal enterprises by providing the gangs with welfare payments, food stamps, and even provide shelter in the form of subsidized housing (Projects). But remember do not fear them because they would rather battle with each other. As the sign posted in the zoo says, “Please do not feed the animals or they might bite.” Gang members are no different. You can co-exist with them, just don’t fraternize with them. Always remember that these rodents are trying to be inconspicous and retain their underground status. My advice is to ignore their presence and continue your affairs. They will only attempt to encounter you if you look for them. Another Lesson will be forthcoming soon.Until next time, “Stay Down.”Article written by Los Angeles Local: OG DUDE


  1. Those gang members are punks!@!!!

  2. When they are by themselves they are a bunch of sissies!!!!!!

  3. This guy is right. They are being supported by our tax dollars.Nothing but a bunch of sorry losers!!!!!!!!!!!

  4. Avoid the Projects. There are nothing but gangbangers there. Puro lowlifes!!
