In view of the contemporary social and economic conditions, the following prescribed tips from OG DUDE 13 may prevent you from becoming a victim. "El Lay" is a big megalopolis and your safety should always be on the alert. You have to be fight ready at all times. You will enhance your outdoor activities with the following instructions:
When walking be aware of the following:1) Know your surroundings and environment at all times. Be extra vigilant at night.
2) Walk in well lighted areas.
3) Avoid walking or taking shortcuts through alleys.
4) Stay away from remote

and secluded areas and stay away from bushes.
5) Develop a buddy system of walking with someone or with a group, especially at night.
6) If you are carrying a purse, hold it close to your body. Do not let it dangle.
7) Do not acce

pt rides with strangers.
8) If a driver stops to ask you for directions, avoid getting too close to the car.
9) Change directions and vary your pace if you think you are being followed, go to a well lighted area or building when this occurs.
10) If you are being followed by someone in an automobile, get the license plate number and report it to the local law enforcement agency.

When driving be aware of the following:1) Always lock your doors when driving and after parking.
2) Keep windows rolled up while driving.
3) When possible, always keep your gas tank filled.
4) Park in well lighted areas.
5) Be prepared with your keys in your hand when you return to your car.
6) Do not fumble for your keys while in your purse or pockets.
7) When you return to your car, make sure no one is hiding in your car.

8) Always lock your valuables and purse in the trunk of your car.
9) If you are being followed, do not drive home or attempt to leave your car. Drive to the nearest police station or open business for assistance.
10) Do not leave your keys in the car.
11) Separate your house keys from the car keys when you park at a valet service.
12) If you have mechanical problems with your car remain inside your locked car until help arrives.

13) If you are in trouble, honk your horn in order to get help.
14) NEVER pick up hitch hikers.

Remember to stay calm and don't get embarrassed/nervous if you have to call 911. If you have to make a police report, DON'T delay. This is your safety here that we are talking about.
Until the next lesson,
Stay Down!