On Halloween night the ghouls and goblins start their trick or treat trek early. But for those households that refuse to accommodate the costume wearing characters, beware, there is a new prank that tricksters will be using this Devil’s Night. The Halloweens of past the pranksters would bombard those tight wad homes that refuse to provide treats, with the mandatory rotten egg and/or dog shit. Now, what these hooligans are going to do is throw pancake syrup projectiles on these unsuspecting folks.
This will definitely create havoc because the next morning your front porch will be infested with red fire ants or a very sticky floor. Either way the time and effort you put in to performing this clean-up is just not worth the hassle. It would be much cheaper to you if you provided these warlocks and witches with ten dollars worth of candy. The neighborhood kids would appreciate this just as much as the person who does not have to deal with the pancake syrup mess, remember, trick or treating is for the kids not the adults. If you come upon the guy who is wearing that penis and testicles costume and you get squirted, more likely then not, you should avoid giving that guy a treat. He is probably your neighbor.
Until the next lesson, “Stay Down.”
Author: OG DUDE
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