The weather is still fair in DodgerTown and I still fully expect to get my six pack of Hoagies from the PsychoGiantFan. As expected I already took that no good bartender and his sidekick off the payroll. Here in “El Lay” your only allowed one mistake. The fact that these two idiots of the Sunset Strip made the prediction of the Dodgers not going to the playoffs makes their judgment questionable. If I lose my wager of In and Out burgers to that damn Giants fan you can bet I will be billing those two hooligans for my loss. Folks here are already writing the Dodgers off! They have already tossed their little Dodger caps and flags in disgust. You can’t get any more fair weather then this. On the other hand I am sure looking forward to some good hoagie sandwiches. So for my stomachs sake, Dodgers you have got to win. The Board of Directors at OGDUDE13 HQ cannot tolerate another losing team! USC Trojans, Kings, Galaxy, and now possibly the Dodgers! Not to mention we don’t even have a football team to complain about. I still can’t believe that the Dodgers lose one game and it’s like Armageddon has arrived in this city. But you can be just as sure that the minute the Blue Crew pulls out a win flags will be flying mighty high again.
Until the next lesson, “Stay Down.”
Author: OG DUDE
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