Monday, August 16, 2010

Preventing Criminal Activity in El Lay

Let the OG Dude be your guide in helping you deter crime while in Los Angeles. If you do the following you will drastically decrease the theft of your car from occurring. You will also decrease the chances of thieves stealing from your vehicle.
The 3 Elements needed to commit a crime are desire, ability and opportunity. Buffoonery creates opportunity and ability. Act smart, be smart and eliminate the desire for a stranger to rob you or your property.
The following suggestions are brought to you for your reading pleasure. Remember these are part of your “Los Angeles Lessons“:
Step 1: Lock your car. An unlocked car is an open invitation to a car thief. Lock up whenever you leave your car. Do not forget to take your keys with you.
Step 2: Close all windows. Car thieves have tools that help unlock cars through a minimum of open space.
Step 3: Be sure Vent, Wind-Wing windows, and sunroofs are shut tight and locked. These are favorite means of entry for thieves.
Step 4: Do not leave items such as your wallet, purse, cell phone, or blackberry in your car. Take these items with you. Be aware that someone else may be watching as you hide them under your car seat.
Step 5: Buy an alarm system and use it. Many car owners believe that car alarms no longer make a difference however they do remain effective deterrent to burglars. As stated in the earlier lessons criminals will choose the easiest target. If they have two cars to choose from, the one without the alarm will be the choice.
Step 6: Park in well-lighted areas.
Step 7: Avoid alleys and check to see if your parking choice is visible to pedestrain and vehicular traffic. Criminals usually avoid heavy traffic areas.
Step 8: While at your hotel or home park in the garage and lock your car!

Another concept you will have to consider is that car burglary can lead to residental burglary. Garage door openers, house keys, mail and vehicule registrations left in your car can be used for both indentity theft and residental burglary. That concept will be will be covered in another “L.A. Lesson.”
Always remember, if you are driving a “rental“, remove the agencies bumper stickers. This is a dead giveaway that says “Steal Me.” Until the next lesson-“Stay Down!”
Another provocative article written by: OG DUDE.

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