One of the most frustrating and hazardous aspects of employment is the staff restroom. Don't you just hate it, that when you unavoidably have to "go." There is already someone there having a "stress shit." This person apparently doesn't care about you because he is blowing it up all over the place with his menacing fumes. That makes me want to get a gas mask for everytime I go in there. You can either tough it out and handle your business or you can just walk away. I know of one work location restroom that all employees need to avoid at 3:00 P.M This individual is always there at that time like clockwork. You can set your watch to it. This individual has definite work related stress issues. He sure takes all of it out on the poor, helpless latrine.
It is so bad that no one dares to trek there at 3:00 P.M. It's just terrible. Of course, nobody is willing to "cop" to all this "blow-torch" activity. One other employee pointed out that it has a high probability to be Crohn's Disease. This is when a person has an "internal swelling process" that produces excess water and salt during times of stress. When this happens, the body tries to expel the extra fluid and the person experiences diarrhea. This person obviously needs another job, because his current one is causing discomfort (not only to himself but) to others with his/her disorder.
People do not typically understand or want to care about someone with Crohn's Disease. Most people believe that mental instability is the inherent cause of this madly excessive bowel movement and gas withdrawal. These sudden and predictable urges to use the restroom is an unequivocal mental distress. Hell, if the job is causing you all these issues, just quit. Everyone will be appeased and will not miss the obnoxious fumes. There would be no more instances of "stress shitting" and no more profuse spraying of air fresheners.
Until the next lesson, Stay Down.