Every time I drive through Hollywood, I can bet on women wearing very skimpy clothing no matter how cold it is. They wear very short skirts and very low tops, baring their mid riffs. Another thing you can’t help but notice is the smell of silicone. Women have this obsession that you never go to Hollywood unless you have silicone implants. They are always trying to outdo each other in order to get as much attention as possible. The ironic and strange part is that when they actually get the attention they want they seem to shun it. Hell, even the ugly women do this.
Unless you are an actor or some kind of stupid rap mogul, these women would not even give you the time of day. Strange indeed. The men that frequent Hollywood dress like a bunch of effeminate clowns. They sport hairdos that only pet poodles should be using. They never formally wear nice clothing, but are clothed in uncoordinated attire that is only allowed in Hollywood. Sure they wear designer clothes, but they look like, “sweet peas.” In a sense, Hollywood perpetuates the myth, that the more masculine you look the less you will get. These sullen individuals of both genders don’t seem to care how they are perceived. They act like a bunch of obnoxious spoiled A-Holes that think they can misbehave with no repercussions. They go to bars and night clubs and get drunk. In that same process of getting inebriated they vomit and piss on themselves without an obvious care. When they get evicted from these establishments they become ecstatic and always state what they always do in Hollywood. “You can’t do anything to me! I’ll sue you!” You can’t get more Hollywood then that. What a scene.
Until the next lesson, “Stay Down.”
Author: OG DUDE
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