Yes, folks, there IS that time of the season when the bills start to arrive. When they do arrive, do not be surprised with sticker shock! Apparently, there are those people who ignored my article on holiday spending and did just that. You went out of your way just to get that shiny plastic card and started to charge everything for your holiday gift giving rampage. What you failed to acknowledge was that you will be eventually paying for all this. Those gifts you gave were probably nice, but guess who got stuck with the bill? Sure. It was great to buy all these things, but did you have too?! Now you will be paying the price for all your foolishness. You failed to stop at those low-end, affordable stores (99cents store, Wal-Mart, etc). Instead, you went to a fancy shmancy department store. Oh my, what idiocy!
You know that the folks who got the gifts are not responsible for the payment. YOU ARE! With that said, all you have to do now is cut back on using your card and pay with only cash. When you pay with the plastic, money is no object, but when you pay with cash, it is an object... A HUGE ONE! When you run out of cash, put a lid on it. Whatever you do, do NOT go back and use your credit card. I suggest you use scissors and cut it up. Rip the thing apart, anything, just make sure that it's broken enough for nobody to use.
With high interest rates and never-ending payments, why do you even use it? Let the credit card companies go bankrupt, not you.
Until the next lesson, Stay Down.
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