In 1513, the Spanish explorer Juan Ponce De Leon set sail to present-day Florida in search of the fabled Fountain of Youth. It was believed the legendary, curative spring water from the fountain reputably restored the youth of anyone who drank of its source. It promised rejuvenation, eternal youth, wealth, and prosperity. Regretfully, Ponce De Leon never encountered the Fountain of Youth. Instead, in his attempt he did discover Florida, now the site of Disneyworld- the Magic Kingdom at it’s best.
Even to this day, the age old quest to regain youth and vigor remains an unquenced thrist. Today, people continue to seek a quick fix, placebo resolution. They buy products ranging from caffeine-loaded energy drinks, to power boosting, supplemental tablets, hoping with unrealistic expectations and to only end is despair, disillusionment, stress, and addiction - a vicious, downward, spiraling whirlpool cycle. Nonetheless, the million dollar, uncorked, bottled-up question prevails. Does the ultimate answer lie in a sparkling, luring never-found fountain?
There is a recent and convincing research indicating there is an answer. Several studies have shown that active, inquisitive minds can reduce e some of the negative side effects of aging, even delay the onset of dementia! In addition, a mind proficient in more than one language is further empowerment to staying young. In a new yet archaic alternative, there exist an interactive, delightfully stimulating process which not only re-energizes the elderly, but just as importantly bridges the generation gap between young and old. This dynamic, engaging exchange is facilitated via “dichos”, which can now be easily and readily accessed in a family-fun, interaction board game named “Dicho Al Hecho” ©.
The “dichos” are proverbs and sayings in Spanish. Their communicative intent is to instruct, nurture, and teach, valuable lessons. These lessons are based and founded on wisdom and life experiences stemming from past generations. Because “dichos” have been in existence for centuries, they serve as landmarks for clarity, guidance, and learning.
The “Dicho Al Hecho”© board game allows for time and attention directed t words the “dichos”. The participants in the game are able to reflect, gain insight, and build on indispensable knowledge base as they actively maneuver their way through the game board. There is enjoyment and long-lasting rewards within the 20-30 minute period of time outlining the “Dicho Al Hecho”© game. It truly amounts to a win-win experience for everyone, making it a desirable pastime entertainment and educational tool to be played again and again.
In all, this fusion and bonding between the new, old, and past generations is pivotal. The “dichos”serve as a fertile common ground and restorative panacea, rich with tradition and valuable life lessons. They are the ideal ingredient cultivating longevity and fueling the necessary vitality to move forward, prosper, and advance to a higher continuum- a true Fountain of Youth. After all, isn’t youth and happiness a state of mind?
Hasta la Proxima! (Til Next Time)
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