I will change it a bit for this lesson. I have been told by the Powers to be here at The Daily Gangsta that my lessons have made many tourists and visitors to doubt themselves of picking Los Angeles as their destination of choice. These articles were meant to give folks a taste of the real Los Angeles and not to cause disharmony.
There are other reasons and tribulations to love the City of Angels. After all we have beautiful people, beautiful beaches, wonderful mountains, swarming deserts, never ending entertainment venues, and no football team. As we experienced the other day, Los Angeles also has earthquakes, fires, floods, riots, traffic jams and plenty of jobs. A lot of these things do not get Angelenos very much perturbed. In fact, ask any native and they will tell you that the last earthquake was very mild to what they are accustomed to. The locals take everything in stride and unlike those arrogant Easterners, we do not move like we have consumed 8 cups of coffee. Another trait that is customary to “El Lay” is the avoidance of saying “Hello” to everybody you come across. If you do this you will be viewed as a strange individual. You just don’t come up to people and say “Hi, my name is Rothschild. What’s your name?” Folks here will think you are propositioning them and you will get yourself in a trick bag. You just don’t do that! Another issue that will get you knocked out is the constant staring at people. You can do this back in Jersey but here it is considered “mad dogging.” If you do this, just take a picture it will last longer and will get you cleared of being accused of being gay or just plain stupid. The locals are used to seeing all the “stars” so to them it is no big deal. In fact, this behavior is irritating and do not be surprised if they cuss you out or you get threatened.
Come to Los Angeles, stay quiet, enjoy the scenes and party. That is all you have to do. You will not get yourself in dire straits if you do these things.
Until the next lesson, “Stay Down.”
Article, Advice and Opinions by L.A. Local: OG DUDE
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