Wednesday, August 18, 2010

"El Lay" Lesson: Drug Addiction

Drugs can have long lasting effects on your body and your mind. Using drugs on a day to day basis will compromise a persons judgement and affect their physical abilities. Drugs make a person unable to perform in a variety of ways, your capability to accomplish your everyday tasks will suffer in the following areas:

Decision Making
Operating a Vehicle
Social Affairs

Drug use also diminishes your physical appearance. It lowers your motivation and impairs your comprehension, leading to risky decisions and behavior. Drug use also directly reduces your sexual and intellectual performance in many areas. A person who uses drugs increases their chance of experiencing any, or all, of the following:

Legal Problems
Involvement in a traffic accident
Risky Sexual Behavior
Work Related Injuries

Persons who use drugs usually do it to mask their problems. They have difficulty with managing their stress, have a hard time resolving conflicts, also often do not have any goals set for themselves. These individuals feel that drug usage will make their short comings wither away. Drugs negatively affect cohesiveness in a family setting and will cause the following effects on the moral of his or her family:

Lack of thought
Lack of Concentration
Lack of Commitment
Lack of Trust
Lack of Faith

If a person’s performance is weak because of drug use, that person will have to live knowing that he or she has disappointed their family. Given the serious risks of drug use, why would anyone even attempt to go through these after effects at all? All they have to do is see how it has affected their favorite athlete, movie star, rock star, and that should give any individual with half a brain enough of a reason not to use drugs.
Until the next lesson, “Stay Down
Author: OG Dude

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